Annana‛s Story

Annana came to LAMB from far away. This is her story in summary. Ananna is a 17-year-old girl who just passed her SSC exam. When her family took her to LAMB, Annana was extremely unwell. She had breathing problems and she was paralysed from her waist down. She had a big wound close to her anus. Smelly fluid came out from the wound, and she couldn't tell if she passed urine and stool or not. The family had taken her to many outside doctors. They also went to the village healer. Because no treatment seemed to work, they came to LAMB on the advice of a fistula patient. Annana was in a very bad condition then. At LAMB Gynae doctors, the surgery, and the medicine team saw her and treatment started. The chaplains prayed for Annana every day. After one month Annana went home.

Before leaving Annana and her family said,

We have never seen anything like this. Today Annana can walk home on her own feet. The village people will not believe this. Many people will come and see her when we go back to the village. Amazing! We will never forget your prayers, your love, and your care. Please keep praying for Annana.


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